Green and Sustainable Economic Recovery after COVID-19 Pandemic – Part 5 and Conclusion

Ivo Fouto ( - July 14, 2020 Introductory article: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: 5. Biomass Gasification and Synthesis (BTL / FT - Fischer-Tropsch): Gasification and fuel synthesis processes are already well-developed and well-known industrial processes in use especially in South Africa (Sasol) and more recently in China. Currently, the main raw material in these operations is [...]

By | 2024-10-07T15:17:46+00:00 outubro 7th, 2024|Posts|0 Comments

Green and Sustainable Economic Recovery after COVID-19 Pandemic – Part 4

Ivo Fouto ( - July 07, 2020 Introductory article: Part 2: Part 3: 4.     Pulp (Cellulose) & Paper production: The global pulp & paper industry is widely base on wood biomass (softwood and hardwood). Agricultural activities to obtain this source of raw material, require large areas, for dedicated production or forest extraction. In general, the industrial [...]

By | 2024-10-07T12:38:09+00:00 outubro 7th, 2024|Posts|0 Comments

Green and Sustainable Economic Recovery after COVID-19 Pandemic – Part 3

Ivo Fouto ( - June 30, 2020 Introductory article: Part 2: 3. Production of Pyrolysis Oil + Ethanol – Co-processing in Petroleum refineries: Pyrolysis Oil (PYOIL) is being considered the new Green Petroleum, but from a renewable and sustainable source, for large-scale production of Biofuels.   Despite the current policy of the North American Federal Administration, the [...]

By | 2024-10-07T12:26:19+00:00 outubro 7th, 2024|Posts|0 Comments

Green and Sustainable Economic Recovery after COVID-19 Pandemic – Alternatives for Brazil and the Tropical Region – Part 2

Ivo Fouto ( - June 23, 2020 Previous/Introductory article: 2.     Distributed Electric Power Generation (Bioenergy) + Ethanol (Biofuel) Production: As a continental-sized country, Brazil is reaching maximum capacity to generate renewable hydropower. Its potential new sources are far from consumption centers, requiring large investments in transmission lines. Additionally, reservoirs for these potential new sources are generally [...]

By | 2024-10-07T12:10:18+00:00 outubro 7th, 2024|Posts|0 Comments

Green and Sustainable Economic Recovery after COVID-19 Pandemic – Alternatives for Brazil and Tropical Regions

Ivo Fouto ( - June 16, 2020 Executive Summary: This document aims to contribute with ideas and alternatives for a global economic recovery based on sustainable, renewable, and green infrastructure and industries. The economic and strategic consequences of the pandemic are leading several countries, economic groups and investors to reconsider the current global supply chains, [...]

By | 2024-10-07T11:37:12+00:00 outubro 7th, 2024|Posts|0 Comments


Conceptual project using Energy Cane to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) with low carbon intensity (CI) and high energy output. It’s a disruptive concept of integrating biological (E1G) and thermo-catalytic technologies of lignocellulosic biomass, for the production of SAF, Ethanol, and Bioenergy from Energy Cane, a non-food crop in Brazil

By | 2024-10-07T22:44:44+00:00 outubro 4th, 2024|Posts|0 Comments

SAF – B.E.S.T solution

B.E.S.T: Brazilian Energy Cane Self-sustainable Technologies is a project developed by Cenerbio and its partners for the sustainable production of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel). SAF production In 2010, the EPA created a process for companies to qualify new fuels pathways under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). A fuel pathway involves a specific combination of feedstock, production process, and fuel type, with an [...]

By | 2024-10-07T11:38:33+00:00 outubro 4th, 2024|Posts|0 Comments